Monday 15 June 2009


Having suffered a loss of young lettuce to garden snails and slugs I decided to oust the devils. Most of the slugs had been sheltering under the weed proof sheet that protects the gooseberry bed, so the sheet had to go. In the process I pruned out the excess branches and harvested a pound of gooseberries, which Rosie made into a crumble or two.
The berries are showing a bumper harvest this year and should provide us with lots of jam, purée and sweets. With the air now able to circulate under the bushes, which were somewhat neglected last year, there should be no mildew on the berries.
The blackcurrants are also doing well this year though the rhubarb is a little disappointing. Perhaps now that I have removed a large number of slugs and snails, they will do a little better.
The geraniums that edge the top lawn are showing a splendid display this year. They look especially good in the sunset, but photography cannot capture the effect so well as the human eye. There are lots of bees buzzing around the flowers most of the day. Honey bees are also visiting as well as the bumble bees.
With so many flowers in the garden, the geraniums seem to be a hot favourite at present.

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