Saturday 23 November 2019

Biddulph Grange

 We recently visited Biddulph Grange to the North of Stoke.  This was the only clear day we have had for a while and this was a pleasant break during a shopping trip.  The hall was developed as private accommodation flats, but the grounds and small parts of the building are run by the National Trust.
 The Washingtonia Walk is as good exercise route.  You can walk the length of it and come back through the woodland.
One purpose was to see the Geology Gallery now that the restoration project is coming to an end.  The fossils are now on the wall and most of the stratigraphic rocks are in place - just a few meters of stratigraphy to add near to the door now.
 I particularly like the crinoid bed which is a fine and near perfect reproduction of the original - most of the fossils are resin casts and reproductions as the originals were mostly sold to collectors and museums many years ago.
 The Ichthyosaur fossil is a cast of a specimen which is still held in the hall.  Time to check out the dinosaurs in the coffee room before hitting the shops.
Having arrived home, we had an early visitor.  It is quite rare to see the foxes out in daylight at this time of year, but it was a fine day after a week of rain.

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