Thursday 3 December 2015

Olive Mears RIP

Wakefield Express

Friday 27 Nov 2014

Page 68

My Auntie Olive was the oldest sister of my mother and she was born in the same year as my father.  She was also my Godmother and Godmother to most of the extended family children.  She was a great influence to me in my early years and was a quite unique family character in her own right.
This picture is the first I have of Olive, dating to 1955.  I am one year old in the pushchair and my father took the picture and processed it on the same day in our kitchen at home.  She was present and actively supportive at the key events in the lives of her Godchildren.
At our wedding, Olive was present in her usual and fascinating way.  In this picture you could mistakenly think that I am gazing lovingly into Rosie's eyes, but I am actually replying to a question posed by Olive, who is standing behind the bride.  I have very few pictures of my Godmother, but have many memories and have kept most of her letters from a lifetime of correspondence.

She will be missed.

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