Yesterday we were covered in a light dusting of snow with cool temperatures and later,some rain. Today it has snowed lightly again overnight and the roads are left in an icy state. A good day to be at home.
We are feeding our neighbours dog and cat as she is in hospital at the moment and the roads are not good for driving today. Fortunately, we have a good supply of fresh food, though we have to choose our meals carefully our the Oven is not working. An electrical fitter is booked for a visit tomorrow.
Todays lunch is broccoli and white Stilton soup. 20 minutes to make and we have defrosted home made bread rolls.
The soup is basically diced potato, chopped tender stem broccoli boiled in water with a little salt and pepper, blended to a liquid and poured over a lump of white Stilton cheese.
I am looking forward to having the oven working again so that I can batch bake the next weeks bread.