Saturday, 29 December 2007

The outdoor life

It has been a week since Rosie and I were able to venture outside. The joy of being fit enough to walk out of doors is very welcome. I miss the simple pleasure of observing wild animals in their native environment. Today it was the roe deer hinds resting in the field next to the Trentham lakes, the black headed gulls on the lake, squirrels, magpies, mallards and wrens.
Magpies are such fidgety birds that it is difficult to photograph them in a single shot when they are on the move. This one took four shots to get a good picture.

The mallards are much easier to photograph. At this time of year they are hanging around the waters edge, waiting for humans to feed them. A little patience can be rewarded with a good swimming formation or a daring antic or two around a few scattered bread crumbs.

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