Sunday 18 May 2008

Composits and quick shots

The Dorothy Clive Garden is a two part arrangement, with a forest full of Rhododendrons and Azaleas in an old quarry site, and a sloping formal garden. The two sides are separated by a cafe. The image above is a composite across the Rhododendron garden and the photograph below is one of the typical flower beds of the more formal side.
This garden rates amongst the best I have seen. Below is a 14 frame composite image of the lower pond and rock garden.
Whilst taking the composite frames I saw chaffinches skimming the water lilies for insects. They were quite successful in their hunt. The finches were settling on the lilies or the reeds to eat their captured prey. It is the first time I have observed this kind of behaviour in chaffinches.
whilst the chaffinches required a quick hand and eye to capture the images, the bees on the poppies also needed precise photography in order to capture them on the wing.
The time spent in such fine gardens is much treasured.

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