Sunday, 14 December 2008

Christmas is Coming

Having been on a family visit across counties to exchange Christmas presents and cards, we ventured back home over the peaks. On our return journey we stopped off at Ashbourne to have a break and eat some chips in the street. The Christmas lights were shining bright and the Christmas spirit was on the loose.
There was a big tree in the Market Place and all of the buildings had been illuminated to give a pleasing glow to the town.
Even the Teddy Bear shop was open late and glowing in the dark of the cold winter night. It must be very warm inside if they can "bear" to leave the door open.
The local hostelries looked very welcoming as the temperature hovered around 2 degrees. Not for us as we were eating our chips from the local fish shop before venturing back to our car.
Many of the trees in the town courtyards had been draped with lights and the odd Christmas tree decorated the streets. What a pleasant adventure to lift the spirits at this time of year.

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