Thursday, 5 March 2009

Signs of Spring - 2

When we got up this morning there was a covering of snow on the ground and on the trees and shrubs. The temperature was below freezing and the morning sky had a pink haze about it. The icy snow crunched beneath the wheels of my car on the way to work.
By lunchtime, the air was warm and the snow and ice were no more. I decided to walk out to The Brampton and take the air. I had taken a camera with me to photograph snow and ice, but in Newcastle there was only sunshine and clear sky - and of course lots of crocuses to enjoy.
The grass park around the Museum was covered in crocuses of all colours. White, yellow and blue flowers seemed to be common, a few variations and variegated flowers were seen in some corners. In passing, I walked behind the Museum where they have a small aviary with a variety of birds and bunnies. One of the parrots greeted me with "Hallo" and the pheasant perched on a wooden stake to get a better look at me. I doubt that there had been any visitors to enrich their lives this morning.
I am quite fond of finches and the Java finches in the aviary were very chirpy and active this lunchtime. They are such delicate birds, and very sociable, living in harmony with a small flock of canaries in the same enclosure.
On the way out I spotted a mistle thrush hunting for worms in the lawn. They do not normally stay around when people are about, but this one must have been hungry. I was not putting it off of its quest for a fat juicy meal.
This evening the temperature is falling again and it will not be long before the frost. Its good to be warm at home.

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