Sunday 30 October 2011

Seasonal Pumpkins

 Earlier in the year we grew 4 pumpkins with the intention of using them at Haloween.  The first two had been earmarked for pumpkin lanterns and it was now time to hollow them out.
 The first one produced a bowl full of seeds and a pan full of pumpkin flesh.  Lots of cooking was about to follow as rosie made some pastry for a pumpkin pie.
 The second lantern also produced a lot of pumpkin flesh.  This one was cut as an angry cat!
 Some time later we had pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup and pumpkin bread.  This is always a welcome seasonal treat.  Only two more pumpkins to go......
At dusk, the lanterns were tested to see how they will perform tomorrow evening for the local trick or treaters.

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