Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Wonderful Sunshine

Now that the worst of the wet winter weather is past, we have had a number of clear sunny days.  This has encouraged us to walk in the countryside.
This pheasant was seen in the reserve at Consall Forge Country Park.  The pheasants are around in large numbers at present, having been released for the shooting season last year, to become established in the countryside.
The calm waters of the canal are showing clear reflections from the boats and trees.  This narrow boat was moored near the Lime Kilns opposite the Black Lion Inn at Consall.
The Cheddleton Light Railway was running trains, though there was no scheduled traffic.  We suspected that the crews were testing the rolling stock and the lines prior to opening as there were different engines running at the same time.
This is a steam engine from the USA which is occasionally seen on the line.  It looked as if it had been buffed up as it glinted in the sunshine.
As we returned to the visitors car park we spotted a Buzzard in the adjacent field just sitting on the grass.  By the time I had taken out my camera, it has seen us and was airborne - not my best shot ever!

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