Sunday, 21 December 2014

Christmas Approaches

Christmas for us usually starts with an event in the week preceding.  This was a visit to Little Morton Hall in Cheshire to hear the music of Piva and enjoy a Tudor treat. See Rosie's blog.
In April this year, our central heating boiler was condemned due to a split in the main fire box structure.  We had a new and energy efficient boiler installed and this eventually lead to a re-decoration of the kitchen - nice to see everything spotless before the devastation of the Christmas cooking.
Our other main project was the removal of the shed base at the side of the greenhouse and the installation of a new bird feeder.  This has been a great success and a well used facility within the garden.  The sparrow population is high this winter and we have seen several uncommon species (to our garden) already.
We are decorated now, ready for the holiday.  Many of the decs' are simple and uncomplicated.
This stained glass piece is hanging in the conservatory where the sunlight illuminates the berries.
The tree is placed in the corner of the sitting room and there is a swag over the hearth.  All of the seats are taken in the cold and damp weather.
Rosie has started to dress the Christmas cake and has made some mince pies.  I have bread proving in the kitchen and we are discussing what treats to cook over the next few days.  It will be satisfying when we have done the last minute shopping tomorrow.

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