Saturday, 6 December 2014

Fresh Morning Walk

 Early in the morning, the shopping huts at Trentham Gardens are usually quiet.  Many of the units open at 10am, so an early visit is crowd free.  The gardens and lakeside are open earlier and an annual ticket allows us access throughout the year.
 The lake is home to many birds and I was pleased to see the results of this photograph of a young grebe.  The reflection is good and it has a satisfying symmetry, standing out from the other shots, which ended up on the cutting room floor.
 This week sees the installation of wicker sculptures.  These enormous snow drops are between the Italian Gardens and the Cafe.
At the other side of the lake, this duck was standing on a fence post.  The cafe staff put bird food on the posts for small perching birds, but the ducks and moorhens now see the posts as feeding stations for them.
The weather has taken a wintry turn and a sharp frost is upon us.  This calls for more food on our garden bird feeders.  Thrush, goldfinch, chaffinch and robin are now appearing for food in addition to the ubiquitous sparrows, blackbirds, tits and dunnocks.  Magpies and pigeons are also visiting for scraps.

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