Friday, 26 December 2014

Post Christmas Walk

 We headed of this morning to Coombes Valley Reserve.  With no need to shop and the knowledge that snowfall was imminent this afternoon or evening, we wanted to walk away from the crowds.  With only the wardens car and a camper van in the car park, it was clear that this isolated RSPB reserve was not on most peoples radar.
 We chose to walk through the high woods.  It was a walk that we had not done before and one that would require some effort on our part.  We saw jays, goldfinch, tree creepers, chaffinch, bullfinch, and something that resembled a brambling.  The only birds that stayed still long enough to capture on camera were the robins and blackbirds.
 Much of the area is ancient oak woodland and the distinctive leaves are everywhere on the ground at this time of year.  Lower in the valley are a variety of trees including birch, willow, rowan, alder and sycamore.
The area near to the visitors centre has been re-pathed with a fine hardcore, making the walk much easier.  Last year these paths were mostly mud and slippy vegetation.  It appears that there is an assault course in the process of construction, so this may be an addition that could potentially attract more younger visitors in the spring and summer.  Lets hope the car parking will cope.

Back at home and it is 2 degrees Celsius outside - The car is in the garage, the rain is falling more like sleet and the sky is looking very heavy and dull.  The heating is on, the programs are marked in the TV guide, the cats are guarding the radiators and an evening meal is to be cooked.  Now - shall I open a beer or a bottle of wine.  I like the holiday season.


6pm and we have snow.

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