After last years work on the landscaping, I dumped a pile of soil in the middle of this bed. Having cleared the wilderness last year on one side of the bed, I have started to remove the temporary soil dump to continue the landscaping of the rest of the bed. This is a work in progress.
I received an E-mail from 'Just Flight' informing me that I had 24 hours to take up their latest offer, a Tiger Moth bi-plain for £10.99 - having a few points and an additional offer code from my last special purchase, the price was reduced to £3.39, so I now have an excellent simulated Tiger Moth in a wide array of colours and versions.
My first adventure was to test the aeroplane with a simulated AI tiger moth to compare the flight characteristics. No surprise that they fly the same. This is a simple aircraft with a short takeoff and no flaps or wheel brakes. To slow down on landing, just keep the tail skid on the ground and throttle back the engine.
Slowing down on a taxiway is tricky and taxiing needs to be done with low throttle and forethought. I tested my skills in this respect by following a pair of AI aircraft to the runway, observing the rules regarding distance and speed. The Tiger Moth needs a gentle hand to get the best out of it.
Having discovered the joys of flying with aircraft on a pre-programmed flight pattern, I had a go at flying my Grumman Goose to shadow a B-17 Flying Fortress on a flight across country. Here we are in circuit to land.
Next thought will drift towards planting my potatoes, which have been chitted and are sprutting sufficiently to be put into the garden. I love early spring.
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