With the advantage of a few days of warm weather we have planted out our saved pot plants around the new garden path. They should fill the space by summer and give a lush ground cover.
having grown veg from seeds this year I have started by planting out the sprouts. With the bare soil being disturbed by both cats and badgers, I have added a plastic net fence to protect the seedlings.
The pots in the greenhouse are starting to come on. Tomatoes, courgettes, cucumber, marigolds and a dahlia to name but a few.
Whilst walking by the lake this week I spotted a pair of nuthatches combing the bark of a tree for grubs. With the sun behind the tree, this was one of the few pictures that was good enough to show.
Surprise as we saw a wood sparrow, not a common bird in these parts.
This blue tit was taken using my mirror lens, from a good distance. It is very satisfying to be able to display a picture that was taken using a manual setting and a manual lens. Nice to know that I can still do the job without the electronic wizardry of modern technology.
I love the new garden path. It's a great pic. Add Rosie kneeling down with a basket tending the border and wearing a summer dress and a wide brimmed hat and you have a great card.
Put it through my printer with standard ink, get it wet and it would look like a right Pollock. Wish I had the kit again.....
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