Monday, 16 October 2017

Pending Storm

Today started with a strange dull appearance as the high atmospheric humidity and sand from the Sahara made the sun look very orange.  The forecast is for a storm to hit this part of the country by mid-afternoon.  The winds are building.
Having stubbed my toe a couple of weeks ago, I have been getting occasional swelling and pain.  I think I may have a cracked toe bone.  The classic treatment is rest and restricted activity of the foot concerned.  Rosie had the ingredients for Nigel Slater's wonderful leek soup, that would do for lunch.
Having lost my first adult tooth (top left molar) last week, I need smooth comfort food at the moment.  The tooth came out in 3 bits after a 30 minute exertion by my dentist.  Surprisingly, I have had no trouble since - just a bit of discomfort in the surrounding jaw as it is healing.
The winds are starting to pick up and the lawn which was cleared of leaves this morning is back to its earlier state as our tulip tree is buffeted by the gusting wind.  Sounds a bit rough, but nothing that a paracetamol and a warm lap cat cannot cure when added to a tune or two on a Walkman.

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