Thursday 23 April 2020

Lockdown Continues

CoViD-19 Lockdown is well into its 5th week and it is clear that some things like flour, hand sanitizer and the like are in short supply.  Internet shopping is restricted as many businesses are closed at this time and supermarkets have limited supplies.
Still, the wildlife seems relatively unaffected as the local vixen is still browsing around our garden at night.
The greenhouse is now showing stock and I have potted up some of the tomato seedlings and planted out seeds in gutter section to go into the raised beds when they are too big to be damaged by slugs.
The vegetable cage is now largely planted out and I have a few additional gutters of seedlings in the greenhouse to add to this area later on.
When I dug out the Leylandii stumps, I rescued several ransam plants and put them in a tub.  These wild garlic are doing very well and may be on the dining table soon as a flan or something just as tasty.
The pond is looking OK now that I have topped up the water level.  There are several newts and a number of dragonfly larvae in there at present.  No significant numbers of frogs this year though.
Rosie and I ate out for lunch. "Well, I'll go to t'bottom of our garden".

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