Sunday, 18 July 2021

Laying out the new shed

Our old shed is about 20 years old and rotting at the side and roof, so I ordered a new metal shed for the garden tools - smaller than the old one, to allow me to de-clutter. 

The shed arrived in a surprisingly small box with a clear set of instructions.  All the bits were checked and off we go!
The base plate was assembled and the ground marked out for a concrete base to build the shed on.  First job was to clear the turf for use around the old shed.
I have not mixed concrete for a decade, but the tools and skills are still there.  This is a very small shed base, but I just happened to fall into the start of a week of soaring temperatures, so need to take care and go slowly.
Base down and smoothed over, ground plugs pressed into the concrete before it goes off (That has saved a lot of drilling) and the base plate put in place to check its level.  All looks well for the build so far.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Very very impressive Paul.