Sunday, 5 September 2021

Removing the shed

 Having started the shed clearout, now is a good time to finish the job.

With all of the stone age tools and electrical bits gone, the rest of the stuff needs disposing of or re-locating.

The tables were put up on FreeCycle and had gone within hours.  Metal objects were put out for the rag-and-bone and were gone within a day.  The remaining stuff was put into the greenhouse, now that the tomatoes are all picked, to be disposed of later.

Managing the roof sections, I pulled them off and over the shed using ropes to make the job easier. (Rosies picture)

The roof came off with some effort as I had sealed it to keep out the weather.
Then it was just a matter of removing the retaining screws and slicing through the impact adhesive at the joints and the shed was easily dismantled.

The final job was to lift the shed base and expose the foundations. They were full of slugs and dead snails, millipedes and the odd spider.  I think the foundations will be a job for another day........

Tomorrow I order a skip.  Hopefully there will be one available some time in the week. 

P.S.  I found my biological microscope in the back of the shed.  That has now been cleaned and serviced.  It still has all 4 lenses, including oil immersion and an eyepiece extension. Not sure what to do with it at the moment.

1 comment:

Robert said...

The shed looked as good as new inside. What has happened to the shed door? You could use it to create a gate to nowhere in your garden fence somewhere - Something I will do when I find a discarded shed door close enough to carry home. I saw one many years ago which when opened had a mirror behind it. I liked the effect.

I must go and take a photo of my repaired shed. Steve, Alicia’s other half, did all the hard work on Sunday, including a new roof, and I put wood protective on over three days this week. It should see us out. Total cost of materials = £130, plus gift aid to Steve and his helper, Alicia.

Sheds are news this week…