Sunday 2 June 2024

Ah! Dry weather days.

 The weather has been quite wet and all of a sudden we have 3 dry and sunny days in a row.  Time to tackle some gardening jobs, mow the lawn, muck out the greenhouse and clear the overgrown vegetation.

The beds around the pond were heavily covered with weeds, so the first bed has been taken out and a grit slope added to the soil base, with a compost, sand and grit soil mix to top it off. Assorted cobbles have been recovered to create a small rockery and the soil level has been raised to allow better drainage.

The next job was to clear the overgrown pathway separating the beds.  Now we can see what needs doing.  A few potted plants have been used to fill in gaps where weeds have been removed.

The meadow is looking much different to what I expected.   The yellow rattle, which we have sewn for the last two years has not taken in the heavy clay soil.  What we have is a buttercup meadow, with lady's smock, foxgloves and docks.  Earlier there were fritillaries and wood avens, and we have managed to get wood anemones under the hedges. We are waiting to see if the corn cockle comes up later in  the Summer.

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