Sunday, 8 September 2024

Garden Dinner

This year we have an abundance of tomatoes, potatoes, onions and a small courgette.  That is crying out for a bake.

Thinly slice the courgettes and pealed potatoes, coarsely chop the onions and tomatoes. then start layering them in a dish, potatoes and onions first, with a sprinkle of basil and pepper.

Courgette and tomatoes next. Then repeat another layer and finish with a layer of potatoes.

Add a small amount of olive oil and sprinkle with finely grated cheese.  Bake in a hot oven 180 degrees for 45 minutes in our fan oven.

Serve with whatever accompaniment you have to hand - in this case some tofu sausages.  Things always taste better when they are fresh out of the garden.

The hot oven was also used to batch bake some loaves and seeded rolls for the freezer.

We also saw a Red Panda - good day......

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