Saturday, 6 June 2015

Garden Update

 Now that summer is here, the tamed wilderness in the middle of the garden is starting to look good,  The new beds are well populated with flowers and the crazy paving is looking established.
 The top lawn always looks good when it has just seen a mower, the rhododendrons are out and the geraniums will soon follow, putting a blue band around the lawn edge.
 The raised beds are starting to produce edible stuff.  We have had several cuts of rhubarb, the potatoes are growing well and gooseberries will be ready in about a month.  Alas, the pigeons have nibbled the french beans to destruction, it is a good job that I have more plants in  the greenhouse to replace the damaged ones.
 In the greenhouse, tomato plants are in flower, courgettes are starting to fruit and pumpkins have germinated.
 The valerian that has been seeded on the side path is looking really good at the moment.
And, I am always pleased to see the flowers of lupin, though we do have to grow them in pots to deter the slugs from eating them.  Now all we need is a daytime temperature above 20 degrees Celsius and a fine calm day to initiate garden living....... I am hopeful!

1 comment:

Lawnmowerwizard said...

Hi Paul,

Just wanted to say well done on your efforts in the garden, it's clear that you've put a lot of time and attention into it :) The only edible thing that ever seems to evade all other pitfuls in my garden is rhubarb, but that's largely lazyness on my part.