Friday 19 February 2021

Mystery Plate

 Whilst we have been walking our neighbours dog, we have come across a number of plate fragments on the grassy hills above the City.

The fragments are of a plain white dinner plate which has been written on in fiber tip ink.  The ink is indelible, but it is not well bound to the glaze of the plate.

When the text is read, it seems to represent greetings in different languages of the world.  Gaps in the shards and poor preservation makes it difficult to follow the text.

The plate seems to have been crushed under pressure rather than smashed, and the remaining shards are not to be found, so it may have been scattered after it was broken and the finds were some distance apart.  The degradation of the ink is variable on different parts of the plate where the conditions have varied in the grassy field.  Its origin is a mystery!

Footnote: We have since found a few more bits of this plate and it is actually 2 plates.  One is thicker and has greetings in different foreign languages and the other seems to be a story on a plate, but we only have about 20% of it.

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