Sunday, 15 August 2021

Building the Fence

 The next stage in sorting out the top corner of our garden is putting up a short run of fencing to support plants.  We chose a 1.8m high V-Defence 3 panel fence.

Job one was to remove the old "Heath Robinson" fence and level the ground.  A few tree branches also needed trimming back in order to remove any obstructions to the fence assembly and a small barrier needed to be placed across our neighbours garden to contain their dog.
The fence is a bolt together system, the hard part of the job being to dig the post holes in  compacted heavy clay soil.
It did not take very long to install the first panel, which was levelled using guy ropes.  Postcrete was used to fill the holes and that was hardened in less than an hour.
Day 2 saw the fitting of the other 2 posts and panels and then the edge of the garden was banked up for planting out a variety of plants that will grow up the fencing.  Rose of Sharon, Honeysuckle, Fuchsia and other flowery and smelly additions.  The flower hedge will also show a display on our neighbours side of the fence. Wild grass seed were sown on the bare ground to give the start of a wild flower meadow.
The next job is to remove the shed, once its remaining contents have been re-homed.  Our wooden bench which was moved to make way for the new tool shed will be placed in this area.

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