Monday, 15 November 2021

Autumn is here

 The leaves are falling - this year seems a very colourful autumn.

This image from the fields above Fenton is looking out towards the city centre.  The cool and damp weather is keeping the grass a vivid green, but the leaves are very yellow this year as they start to fall.  Our lawn  at home is very damp and needs a cut, but it is far too damp to use the lawnmower at present.  This looks like the new normal.
This little Wren was trapped in the Carsington Water visitors hide and it allowed me to pick it up and take it outside.  The poor thing was exhausted, but it soon showed signs of recovery.
This Wren was flitting around in the vegetation at Trentham Lakes and was quite a challenge to photograph.  Nice to see these birds as they are often well out of sight in the wild environment.
The foxes are still visiting and they are all looking very well this autumn.  We seem to have dealt with the mange problem and have not seen any instance of it this year.
This is my model of Kariba International Airport in Zimbabwe.  Just for a joke, Rosie suggested I go fly down the Zambezi when I was at a loss of what to do.  I soon realised that there were few airports on  the simulator, so I designed a set over the following weeks and now I have been able to fly the length of this great river from the sea to its source.  It keeps me happy!

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