Friday, 19 November 2021

Autumnal Walk

 With the weather improving, we ventured out for a walk around Trentham Lake.

There have been Egrets seen on the site from most of this year.  We saw nine at one time and managed to photograph this one in flight.  It looks as iff these birds are settling in this part of the UK to take advantage of the milder Winters
Of course, The local Herons are still about - this one is an old bird that often stands at the sluice on the outflow of the lake.  I do not know how many times I have taker a photo of this individual.
The Macaqus are active in the Monkey Forest.  This one was moving in one of the mature oak trees.  They never seem to be much bothered by the changing weather.
Ah! an early Snowdrop.  These flowers are usually seen in the Spring, but in recent years there have been a few odd ones that come out before the winter freeze.  This one is well out of season.
Back home and Rosie saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker on one of the garden feeders.  Joy - it came back for a second helping when I had my camera to hand.  This would have been a rare site a few years ago.

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