Sunday, 21 November 2021

Covid Passport

 My faith in Gov.UK is dwindling.

The idea of having a Covid passport on our Smart Phone is a no starter.  I have logged onto the government site for the NHS and entered my details for the Covid Passport.  OK until the time comes to verify my identity.

I can do this with my passport - That expired some time ago and has not been renewed.

I can also do this with my driving licence - I have a paper copy form way back and it does not have my photo on it, so it is not acceptable.

My pensioners bus pass has my photo on it, and the computer system will recognise it as a driving licence.  However - because it is not of the correct layout, I need another source of photo recognition.  The passport photo is the alternative, or you can use a current webcam video - Oops, my computer does not have a webcam.

The technology has excluded me.  My only option now is to contact my GP and request a letter of confirmation - which is OK, but it does not have a photo ID.

There is no available E-mail or postal address by which to enquire about these issues.

Homeward bound!


I can - of course - renew my driving licence at a fee - or I can renew my passport, but that all needs to be done by snail mail. From the news, it appears that the DVLC and the Passport Office are struggling with understaffing!

Following the advice of a friend, I found a link at the end of one of the pages to request a letter of confirmation "NHS Covid Pass Letter" and that was easy to do without the ID issues.  I should have that in the post soon.....

 Footnote 2:
Our covid pass letters arrived on 30 Nov 2021 and gave details our our first two vaccinations - The format is not designed to include the booster 3rd jab, but I assume that will change soon.

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