Saturday, 27 November 2021

Winter cometh

Now that the cold weather has set in, the behaviour of the garden residents is changing.  The squirrels are less active and on the lookout for easy food. Snuggling up in the crooks of branches is a regular thing at the moment.

The bird feeders are constantly in use, requiring at least two fillings a day.  Winter visitors are becoming more common with Goldfinches, Bullfinches, a Woodpecker and a now resident group of Collared Doves.
With snow and ice and a biting cold wind blowing - staying in looks very attractive at the moment.  Time for a bit of armchair gliding!
I have just launched from Llansysilio in Wales and landed my Antares 20E sailplane on the Long Mynd, which is on the Welsh Borders.

1 comment:

Robert said...

On the bird feeder pic I have just counted nine birds and four feeders. Very impressive. We did manage a green woodpecker yesterday stripping bark of two of the apple trees, presumably searching for bugs yesterday, otherwise very quiet. Take care, stay safe. Love Robert.