Friday, 14 January 2022

Security Strikes Again

 On occasion I have made the odd purchase through Amazon - the US company that sells other peoples stock for them via the internet.  Some times this is the only reasonable way to obtain specialist goods when they are not available locally.

They have now changed their account access system as I have been informed in an E-mail.  I now need to give them my Smart Phone number to be able to receive a one time password to enable my account.

1. Only works if you have a smart phone number!

2. An alternative is to E-mail them a copy of a document like your passport or driving licence!

I can understand the logic of this procedure, but I am mindful that Amazon do not have a spotless reputation for protecting personal data.

The down side is that you cannot delete or edit your Amazon account unless you first comply with the smart phone number request or provide personal details first.  OK if you have a smart phone, passport or driving licence.  I wonder how many customers this system will exclude - probably only a few low spenders who have little impact on profit.

Time to review my spending habits again.

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