Sunday, 2 January 2022

Happy New Year 2022

 Now that we are into a new year of the Covid19 Pandemic, we are feeling more settled that we have both been double Vaccinated and Boosted against this infective disease.  Two years on and we are still taking precautions.

On the brighter side, we have an abundance of Goldfinches consuming lots of bird food.  These birds seem to be increasing in numbers again.

Another species that are more abundant in our garden are the Collard Doves, seen here with a Wood Pigeon.  There are often 18-10 birds around the base of the feeders each day.

The local Squirrels are doing well and are suitably prepared for the winter weather, though it has been unseasonably warm this New Year at around 15 degrees Celsius.  Not a frost in sight!

Our Foxcam is picking up regular visits from the Badgers.  They are spending time in the night digging up worms from out lawns.  That task is made easy for them as the grass is sodden by rain at present.

I recently saw a Kestrel hunting for food at quite close quarters.  I am always amazed at how these small birds of prey can hover and keep their heads motionless in any amount of wind.

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