Friday, 22 April 2022

Walking Around the City

 The thing about Stoke-on-Trent is the green areas between the 'six towns'.

Rosie and I have been walking these patches of green for many years and we continue to do so.  Here are a few pictures from this weeks walks.

Earlier in the week we saw ducklings at Westport Lake. A pair of Mallards had at least 3 which were the first we had seen this year.

There are always rats around Westport Lake.  They can often be seen and they always look fit and healthy.  We just leave them alone.

Hem Heath Woods is another good walk.  it runs from the old colliery site just north of Trentham out towards the new Wedgwood factory and shop.  In a few weeks this wood will be covered in Bluebells.

On our local patch is Fenton Fields and Berry Hill Fields.  This walk starts a couple of streets away and spans the area between Adderley Green and Fenton.  It covers the extent of colliery tips and a couple of old farmland areas.

There are lots of classic views on Berry Hill Fields, but I like this one, looking south from close to the colliery monument.

The weather has been good to us this week.

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