On 8th September I planted a Victoria Plum tree that I had been tending in a pot for 5 years.
The tree was staked to keep the top growth vertical and protect it from wind. The lower branches will be cut off next year when it has had time to put out more roots.
When I returned to the house, Rosie told me that the anouncement had been made for the Queens death. I suspect that this tree will now be referred to as Elizabeth's tree.
I have spent the last two days mowing off the meadow area and trimming the hedge at the back. The brick path which curves around to the bench, and which the local cats follow is now fully visible and the honeysuckle is busy climbing up the arch.
For some months I have had Foxgloves growing from seed in pots. About 12 of them have been planted out in the meadow area and watered in. The large block was dug out when I levelled the soil before planting. They do not flower in the first year, but should give a good show (and seed) next year.
In the mean time, I have scarrified small patches of the meadow and put in seeds of meadow plants to complement what we already have in:
Some seed was taken from the packets and mixed in a jam jar. The seeds were sprinkled sparingly and covered over. These packets are what is left, which is quite a lot more seed than I put out. I shall put more out later in the season.
Sunrise this morning gave us a cool and bright day, with thick clouds approaching from the North West.
The seeds are from Pretty Wild Seeds of Darlington.
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