Thursday, 15 December 2022

Winter Problems

This season is cold and dry, with temperatures hovering between -5 and +1 degrees for a few days. We have seen a few new visitors to the garden in the cold weather, Including a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

The squirrels have also been very active around the bird feeders. They are all putting on fat for the Winter.

For two nights now, the food we have put out for the foxes has frozen.  Despite there being tooth marks on the meat, it has still been there in the morning.  I have turned the frozen meat out onto the lawn to warm up in the daytime sun and it has all gone by late afternoon, so some wildlife is benefiting from the offerings.

Rosie has just managed to get a doctors appointment to adjust her medication.  It was a face-to-face appointment with a dispensing nurse.  The change in medication has settled her high blood pressure.
I have also had issues with a broken tooth.  On ringing the dentist I discovered that only one dentist was working and the rest were off with Covid infections. I need to take care with food over the weekend until I can attend my emergency appointment on Monday. 

I have a great deal of sympathy with the medical staff in the National Health Service, who are working under extreme pressure as a result of government neglect over the last decade.

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